Enabling extended access
To set up an extended ACL for a Domino® Directory or Extended Directory Catalog, you must enable extended access for the database.

Before you enable extended access, make sure you understand the implications of doing so:

CAUTION: Do not enable extended access if you have any uncertainty about doing so.

To enable extended access for a Domino Directory or Extended Directory Catalog:

1. Open the database, and choose File -> Application -> Access Control.

2. Make sure you have Manager access in the database ACL.

3. Click Advanced, and then select Enable Extended Access.

4. At this message, click Yes to continue:

5. At this message, which appears only if the advanced database ACL option Enforce a consistent Access Control List across all replicas is not yet enabled, click Yes:
6. At this message, click OK:
7. Click OK in the Access Control List dialog box.

8. At this message, click OK:

9. Look at the status bar on the client to see the status of this process.

Related concepts
Extended ACL
Setting up and managing an extended ACL

Related tasks
Enforcing a consistent access control list