Overview of setting up an extended directory catalog
The following table describes the databases, documents, and fields used to set up an extended directory catalog, in the order in which you use them.

Table 1. Configuration for extended directory catalog
Document/Database Field(s)/Tab(s)PurposeUsed for a condensed directory catalog too?
Directory Profile of each Domino® Directory to be aggregated in the directory catalogDomain defined by this Domino Directory field on the Basics tabAssociates groups in the directory with a domain to distinguish between different groups with the same name in more than one Domino DirectoryYes
Extended Directory Catalog document in database created from PUBNAMES.NTFAllUsed for directory catalog configurationNo
Domino Directory Server document of the Dircat server that builds and updates the directory catalogAll fields in Server Tasks -> Directory Catalog tabProvides the Dircat task with the file name(s) of the local directory catalog(s) to aggregate and a schedule for runningYes
Directory Assistance document in Directory assistance database used by each server that uses the directory catalog All fields related to a Notes® Directory Assistance documentProvides a server with the location of the extended directory catalog and indicates whether to trust the lookups for client authentication and group authorization.

Note: Unnecessary if the extended directory catalog is built directly into the primary Domino Directory.

Server document in the Domino Directory of each server that uses the directory catalogDirectory Assistance database name field on the Basics tab. Allows a server to use directory assistance.

Note: Unnecessary if the extended directory catalog is built directly into the primary Domino Directory.


Related concepts
Setting up an extended directory catalog
Planning to set up directory catalogs
Directory catalogs