Setting up a server's database catalog
You create a server's database catalog by running the Catalog task.

About this task

After you run the Catalog task, make the catalog more useful for your users by complete these tasks:

To create a database catalog

About this task

From the server console, type the following server command:

load catalog

Note: The Catalog task assigns Manager access in the ACL to administrators and to the server that stores the catalog.

To assign a category to a database

About this task

Assign one or more categories to a database to determine how the catalog groups the databases listed in the Databases by Category view. If you do not specify categories, then the Databases by Category view is blank.


1. Make sure you have at least Designer access in the database ACL.

2. From the Domino® Administrator, select the server that holds the database that you want to assign a category to.

3. On the Files tab, select the database that you want to categorize.

4. Choose File -> Application -> Properties.

5. Click the Design tab, and select List in Database Catalog.

6. In the Categories box, type one or more categories for the database. Separate category names with a comma or semicolon.

To exclude a database from a catalog's default views

About this task

All databases on the server are listed in the catalog's default views. You might want to exclude some databases, such as mail databases, from the default views by performing the following steps for each database that you want to exclude.

Note: Excluding a database from a catalog's default views does not prevent administrators from creating views that display a complete listing of databases on the server.


1. Make sure you have at least Designer access in the database ACL.

2. From the Domino Administrator, select the server that holds the database that you want to exclude from the catalog.

3. On the Files tab, select the database that you want to exclude.

4. Choose File -> Application -> Properties.

5. Click the Design tab, and then deselect List in Database Catalog.

To use the catalog to identify inactive databases

Before you begin

For information on seeing accurate usage information in the catalog, see the NOTES.INI wiki article on catalog disk usage in the related topics.


1. Select Database -> By Activity -> By Week.

2. Examine any database with 0 uses, reads, or writes in a week to see whether it's been used in a month.

Related concepts
Database catalogs

Related information