Forcing immediate replication
You can replicate changes to critical databases, such as the Domino® Directory, without waiting for a scheduled connection. After you create Connection documents to schedule server-to-server replication, you can use a server command to force immediate replication.

There are many situations when forcing replication is necessary. For example, you may want to update a database immediately, without waiting for scheduled replication to occur, or you might need to replicate with a different server because the usual server is unavailable. You can force immediate replication to trace replication and mail routing problems or to force changes to critical system databases -- such as in the Domino Directory -- to spread quickly through the domain. When you force immediate server-to-server replication, you can initiate replication in one or in both directions.

Related concepts
Customizing server-to-server replication
Using a console to send commands to a server

Related tasks
Forcing a server database to replicate
Scheduling server-to-server replication
Specifying replication direction