Choosing which fields to aggregate in a directory catalog
By default, a directory catalog aggregates the fields from the documents that are supported for aggregation.

About this task

Table 1. Fields Aggregated by a Directory Catalog
Field aggregated by defaultDocuments that use the field
MailDomainPerson, Group, Mail-In Database, Resource
InternetAddressPerson, Group, Mail-In Database, Resource
MessageStoragePerson, Mail-In Database
Members Group
AltFullName Person
AltFullNameLanguage Person

Note: This field is aggregated by default only in an extended directory catalog.


Note: The FullName and ListName fields are always aggregated. These are required fields that ensure that each document aggregated in the directory catalog has a known name. The FullName field is used in Person, Mail-In Database, and Resource documents. The ListName field is used in Group documents.


1. Use the Additional fields to include field in a directory catalog configuration document to aggregate additional fields into a directory catalog. To avoid making a mistake, useIBM® Domino® Designer to copy and paste the fields from forms in the IBM Domino Directory template. Be sure to copy the field itself, not the field label -- for example, copy the field OfficePhoneNumber, not the label Office phone.

2. If you use a directory catalog configuration option to exclude a particular type of document, that document isn't aggregated even if you specify a field from the document in the Additional fields to include field. For example, if you choose None next to the Group types option, the Dircat task does not aggregate group documents, even if the Members field is listed in the Additional fields to include field.

3. Follow these general guidelines when modifying the Additional fields to include configuration field:

4. In addition to the general guidelines in steps 1 - 3, follow these specific guidelines in Table 2.
Related concepts
Controlling which information is aggregated into a directory catalog
Planning to set up directory catalogs
Directory catalogs