Monitoring directory catalogs
You can use multiple commands and settings to monitor directory catalogs, and you can mail directory catalog reports to users you specify.

Mailing directory catalog reports

A directory catalog stores an agent called Directory Catalog Status Report. A server can use this agent to mail in your name a Directory Catalog report once a week to users you specify in a directory catalog configuration document.

A Directory Catalog report includes the following:

To mail Directory Catalog reports:

1. Open the configuration document for the directory catalog.

2. Specify the name(s) of users to receive the reports; separate multiple names with commas:

3. When prompted, select the name of the server that should run this agent to mail the reports on your behalf. You must have Run restricted LotusScript/Java agents access to the server you select.

4. Save and close the configuration document.

Using other directory catalog monitoring tools

Related concepts
Opening the configuration document for a directory catalog
Directory catalogs

Related tasks
Controlling agents and XPages that run on a server

Related reference
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