Setting charting options for resource balancing
You can set options for how Activity Trends charts display on the Domino® Administrator Server -> Performance tab.

About this task

For all Activity Trends views, you can specify font appearance and show database names instead of file names. You can specify additional charting options that apply individually to the Latest folder, Historical folder, and the Resource Balancing views.

You can open the Server Profile Options dialog box from the Activity Trends or Resource Balancing menus, or by clicking the Server Profile Options button:


1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Server -> Performance tab, expand the Activity Trends section, and click Resource Balancing.

2. Choose Resource Balancing -> Options to open the Server Profile Options dialog box.

3. Click Charting.

4. Under Font Preferences, select the way that type will appear on all charts in all Activity Trends views. The defaults are:

5. Under Resource Balancing Display Options, check Yes to enable these options for Resource Balancing view. The default is unchecked. 6. Under Latest Activity Display Options, do the following to set the appearance of for the Activity Trends -> Latest folder views: 7. Under Historical Activity Display Options, check Yes to enable these options for the Activity Trends -> Historicalfolder views. The default is unchecked. 8. Choose one of the following to set Charting defaults: Related tasks
Setting up resource balancing in Activity Trends
Setting up Activity Trends