Planning the management of entries in the Domino Directory
You can use the IBM® Domino® Administrator, the Web Administrator, directory synchronization tools, and third-party LDAP applications to manage entries in the Domino Directory.

Domino Administrator and Web Administrator

About this task

The People & Groups tab of the Domino Administrator and Web Administrator clients provide several tools for managing Domino user and group entries in the Domino Directory, including tools that:

Many of these tools invoke the Administration Process to automate these tasks.

Directory synchronization tools

About this task

If you modify or delete a Domino user or group, Domino provides tools you can use to simultaneously carry out the modification or deletion to a corresponding user or group in Active Directory.

Third-party LDAP applications

About this task

The LDAP service allows third-party LDAP applications to modify directory entries. By default the LDAP service does not allow LDAP write operations to a directory, so you must set up the directory to allow them.

Related concepts
Managing users
Planning directory services
Directory services terms

Related tasks
Setting up Domino Active Directory synchronization