Example: Using msiexec command line utilities for installing Notes
You can use the msiexec command line statement to install Notes® by specifying the .msi file, and optionally the .mst file, to use during installation.

About this task

Examples of using the msiexec command line statement to install Notes with or without calling a configured transform are as follows:

In the following example, the progdir parameter and the datadir parameter are used to overwrite the default settings designated by the transform file.

1. Change to the Notes install directory that contains the install media kit. For example, this is the directory in which the Notes .msi file, setup.exe file, and transform, *.mst file reside.

2. Run the silent install:

Related concepts
Example: Sharing command line utilities for installing Notes
Customizing Notes install using the tuner
Using the install manifest "default" setting for silent feature specification

Related tasks
Obtaining a tuner and creating a transform file to customize Notes installation