Preparing for using widgets in the Notes client
Perform these steps to start the Notes® client, display the My Widgets sidebar panel, and ensure that the catalog server and catalog name preferences are correct.


1. Start Notes and open the Widgets preference panel by clicking File -> Preferences -> Widgets.

2. Enable the Show Widgets Toolbar and the My Widgets sidebar panel option (this option is typically disabled by default when not using policies).

3. Click OK to display the My Widgets sidebar panel and toolbar and connect to the widgets catalog.

Parent topic: Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog
Previous topic: Create the widget attachment file to call the feature's update site
Next topic: Create the deployment widget

Related concepts
Default Widgets and Live Text behavior
Controlling Widgets and Live Text access using Domino policy
Controlling Widgets and Live Text access using Eclipse preferences
Widget catalog options and access

Related tasks
Installing and upgrading Notes on Windows for single user
Installing and upgrading Notes on Linux
Installing and upgrading Notes on Windows for multi-user
Installing and upgrading Notes on Mac OS X