Keyboard shortcuts for the Domino Administrator user interface
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the Domino® Administrator user interface.

Table 1. Shortcuts: Domino Administrator
PressTo do this
ALT+B, then number (extended accelerators in User Preferences must be enabled)Open bookmark on Bookmark bar
ALT+F5Restore Domino Administrator to default minimized size
ALT+F7, then ARROW keys, then ENTERMove position of active window
ALT+F8, then ARROW keys, then ENTERChange size of active window
ALT+F9Minimize active window
ALT+F10Maximize active windows
ALT+underlined letter for menu itemAccess menu item
ALT+underlined letter for menu item, or ARROW keysMove to next menu item
ALT+W, then number (extended accelerators in User Preferences must be enabled)Open window tab on task bar
CTRL+BREAKStop operation in progress
CTRL+L, type URL, then ENTERGo to a Web page
CTRL+Q or ALT+F4Exit Domino Administrator
CTRL+TABMove to next window tab
ESC or CTRL+WClose active window
F1Get Help on current feature
F5Lock User ID
F6Move to next pane or frame
F10 or ALTAccess menu bar
SHIFT+ALT+SOpen search menu
SHIFT+CTRL+TABMove to previous window tab
SHIFT+CTRL, then UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWSelect multiple bookmarks or bookmark folders
SHIFT+DOWN ARROWSelect additional items after an already selected item
SHIFT+F6Move to previous pane or frame
SHIFT+F10Access Microsoft™ Windows™ context menus
SHIFT+UP ARROWSelect additional items previous to an already selected item

Related concepts
Keyboard shortcuts

Related tasks
Enabling and using extended accelerator keys

Related reference
Assistive aids for Domino Administrator