Keyboard shortcuts
The keyboard shortcuts in this section are based on U.S. standard keyboards. If you are using a screen reader, you may want to maximize your window so the tables of shortcuts are completely expanded and accessible.

This section includes links for databases, dialog boxes, documents, the Domino® Administrator client user interface, editing a document, moving the cursor within a document, the Properties boxes, selecting and moving text in a document and working in views.

Note: The information tables in this section was developed using an English keyboard.

Related concepts
Keyboard shortcuts

Related reference
Keyboard shortcuts for the Domino Administrator user interface
Keyboard shortcuts for databases
Keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes
Keyboard shortcuts for properties boxes
Keyboard shortcuts for documents
Keyboard shortcuts to select and move text in a document
Keyboard shortcuts to move the cursor in a document
Keyboard shortcuts to change text and paragraph properties in a document
Keyboard shortcuts when working in views