Keyboard shortcuts for databases
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts for opening and closing a database, and for using database features including navigating within views, folders, and panes.

Table 1. Shortcuts: Databases
PressTo do this
ARROW keysMove through embedded element
CTRL+NCreate new database
CTRL+OOpen database
ENTERSelect item in embedded outline
ESCExit embedded element
ESC or CTRL+WClose current database
F9Refresh current document (in Edit mode), view or workspace
MINUS (-) keyCollapse folder in embedded outline
PAGE DOWNMove to end of active page
PAGE UPMove to beginning of active page
PLUS (+) keyExpand folder in embedded outline
SHIFT+CTRL+F9Update all views in current database
SHIFT+F9Rebuild current document, view, workspace (must have Manager access)
SPACEBARGive focus to embedded element
UP and DOWN ARROWMove through embedded outline

Related concepts
Keyboard shortcuts

Related tasks
Enabling and using extended accelerator keys

Related reference
Assistive aids for Domino Administrator