Keyboard shortcuts when working in views
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in a view.

Table 1. Shortcuts: Views
PressTo do this
CTRL+ASelect all documents in view
CTRL+CCopy selected document
CTRL+FFind text in view
CTRL+PPrint selected document or view
CTRL+VPaste selected document
CTRL+XCut selected document
DELETEDelete selected document (place document in Trash folder)
ENTERSelect item in embedded view
F3Move to next selected document
F4 or TABMove to next unread document
F9Refresh current document (in Edit mode), view, or workspace
SHIFT+CTRL+F9Update all views in current database
SHIFT+DELETEDelete selected document permanently
SHIFT+F3Move to previous selected document
SHIFT+F9Rebuild current document, view, or workspace (must have Manager access)
SPACEBARSelect or deselect document

Related concepts
Keyboard shortcuts

Related tasks
Enabling and using extended accelerator keys

Related reference
Assistive aids for Domino Administrator
Keyboard shortcuts that update or rebuild views