Keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes
Standard dialog boxes appear when you perform many tasks in Domino® Administrator.

For example, when you select File -> Application -> Open, the Open Application dialog box appears.

Table 1. Shortcuts: Dialog boxes
PressTo do this
DOWN ARROW or RIGHT ARROWSelect next item in a list or set of options in dialog box
ESCCancel changes and close dialog box
F1Get Help on current dialog box
SHIFT+TABMove to previous option or set of options in dialog box
SPACEBARAccess default or selected item(s) in dialog box
TABMove to next option or set of options in dialog box
UP ARROW or LEFT ARROWSelect previous item in a list or set of options in dialog box

Related concepts
Keyboard shortcuts

Related tasks
Enabling and using extended accelerator keys

Related reference
Assistive aids for Domino Administrator