Using Domino server silent install on Windows or UNIX systems
Use Domino® silent server installation to install servers without any intervention during the installation process.

About this task

The silent server installation suppresses the wizard and the user interface. There is no need to monitor the installation or to provide additional input through the typical installation dialog boxes.

Before running Domino's silent server install, do the following:

Customized silent server install on Windows and UNIX systems

There are three methods of customizing silent server installs. Create or record the response file, which contains the installation configuration information, or modify the sample response file provided in the install kits.

Creating the response file for silent server installation

About this task

A typical (non-silent) install uses dialog boxes to receive input from you during installation. The silent (automated) server install does not prompt you for input. Instead, response files are used to provide the detail information for the install process.

Creating a response file by modifying a sample response file

About this task

Use this procedure to create a response file by modifying one of the response file templates that are provided in the install kit. Response files contain installation configuration information. The supplied sample response files are sample_response.txt or unix_response.dat.


1. To modify a sample response file, do either of the following:

2. Run the silent install referencing the response file.

Using an optional response file to install the Domino server silently

About this task

To use a response file, specify the -options parameter and the exact path to the response file on the command line. Enter the command in the format shown in the example according to platform.

For Windows™ platforms

setup.exe -silent -options c:\temp\file.txt

For UNIX™ platforms

./install -silent -options /local/response.dat

Note: You can run silent server install with or without a response file. When you run silent server install with a response file, custom install options are applied during installation. When you run silent server install without a response file, only default install options are applied.

Table 1. Silent install activities, parameters, and descriptions
Installation activityParameterDescription and example
Running Domino server silent install with default settings-silentRuns silent server install using the default options with no response file

On Windows: setup.exe - silent

On UNIX: ./install - silent

Running Domino server silent install with customized settings-silentRuns silent server install with customized options with a response file

On Windows: setup.exe -silent -options c:\temp\file.txt

On UNIX: ./install -silent -options /local/response.dat

Related concepts
Domino server setup program

Related tasks
Planning your Domino server deployment
Installing Domino on Windows
Installing Domino on UNIX
Installing Domino server silently on Linux on System z