Installing Domino on UNIX
This topic guides you through the steps for installing Domino® interactively on a UNIX™ system.

About this task

You can install Domino on a UNIX system by following this procedure, or you can perform a silent installation of a local server.


1. Before you install the Domino server program files on a UNIX system, do the following:

2. As the root user, run the install program ./install available in the product media kit.
3. Read the Welcome screen, and click Next.

4. Read the license agreement, accept the terms, and click Next.

5. Optional: Choose Install Data Directories Only.

6. Choose the program directory, and choose whether you are installing partitioned servers. Click Next.

7. Specify the data directory in which to copy the software. If you are installing a partitioned server, specify a data directory for each partition.

8. Specify a UNIX user name and UNIX group name.

9. Optional: If you are installing to a directory other than /opt/ibm/domino, you can create the /opt/ibm/domino soft link.

10. Choose a server setup option.

11. Select the server type you acquired: 12. Review the summary information, and click Next to begin installing files.

13. Click Finish to complete the install program.

Related concepts
Domino server installation

Related tasks
Preparing for installing and setting up Domino servers
Using Domino server silent install on Windows or UNIX systems