Updall options
The Updall task manages database full-text indexes.

Note: You can run the Updall task on a server, or you can use the dbmt tool that now includes the Updall task as well as other options instead of running Updall alone. See the related topics for more information.

You can use several methods of running the Updall task on a server.

When you use these methods, you can include options that control what Updall updates. For example, you can update all views and not update any full-text search indexes.

The following tables describe the options you can use with Updall (Task -> Start ). The second column lists the equivalent command-line options that you use when you use a console command to run Updall and when you schedule Updall to run in a Program document.

Use this syntax when you use the Load updall console command:

Load updall databasepath options

For example:

Load updall SALES.NSF -F

You can specify multiple options -- for example:

Load updall -F -M

Table 1. Updall - Basic options
Option in Task - Start toolCommand-line optionDescription
  • Index all databases
  • Index only this database or folder

This option is used when running Updall as a console command.

Choose the option to index all databases if you want updall to process all databases on the server.

Choose the option to specify a database or folder if you want updall to limit processing to the specified location. To update a database in the Domino data folder, enter the file name, for example, SALES.NSF. To update all databases contained in a subfolder of the data folder, specify the path relative to the data folder, for example, DOC\README.NSF.

Update this view onlydatabase -T viewtitle Updates a specific view in a database. Use, for example, with -R to solve corruption problems.

Note: -T cannot be used with .IND (indirect) files.

Table 2. Updall - Basic options - more
Option in Task - Start toolCommand-line optionDescription
Update: All built views-VUpdates built views and does not update full-text indexes.
Update: Full text indexes-FUpdates full-text indexes and does not update views.
Update: Full text indexes: Only those with frequency set to: Immediate or Hourly-HUpdates full-text indexes assigned "Immediate" or "Hourly" as an update frequency.
Update: Full text indexes: Only those with frequency set to: Immediate, Hourly, or Scheduled-M or -SUpdates full-text indexes assigned "Immediate," "Hourly," or "Scheduled" as an update frequency.
Update: Full text indexes: Those with frequency set to: Immediate, Hourly, Daily, or Scheduled-LUpdates full-text indexes assigned "Immediate," "Hourly," "Daily" or "Scheduled" as an update frequency.

Table 3. Updall - Rebuild options
Option in Task - Start toolCommand-line optionDescription
Rebuild: Full-text indexes only-XRebuilds full-text indexes and does not rebuild views. Use to rebuild full-text indexes that are corrupted.
Rebuild: All used views-RRebuilds all used views. Using this option is resource-intensive, so use it as a last resort to solve corruption problems with a specific database.
Rebuild: Full-text indexes and additionally: All unused viewsdatabase -C Rebuilds unused views and a full-text index in a database. Requires you to specify a database.

Table 4. Updall - Search Site options
Option in Task - Start toolCommand-line optionDescription
Update database configurations: Incremental-AIncrementally updates search-site database configurations for search site databases.
Update database configurations: Full-BDoes a full update of search-site database configurations for search site databases.

Option for running Updall as part of dbmt

Updall performs the following tasks by default. These are also tasks that the database maintenance tools performs:

Because the database maintenance tool is meant to replace (and improve upon) running updall nightly, you can use the following new option for updall to skip the tasks the preceding tasks, making updall faster when you run it for any one-time purpose.


When you run updall as part of dbmt, Domino also ensures that the following views are built for databases with a template name of StdR7Mail, StdR8Mail, StdR85Mail and StdR9Mail:

After these views are built, they will not be discarded due to non-use.

Related concepts
Full-text indexes for single databases
Updating database indexes and views

Related tasks
Maintaining user mail files using the dbmt tool instead of updall
Running the Updall task
Changing update frequency of a full-text index

Related reference
Indexer tasks: Update and Updall