Full-text indexes for single databases
You can create full-text indexes to allow users to quickly search for information in databases. To search in a database, users enter a word or phrase in the search bar of the database to locate all documents containing the word or phrase.

To create an index for a single database, you must have at least Designer access to the database. Sometimes the application developer of the database has already created an index. You can find out whether or not a database is indexed by looking at the Database Properties box (Full Text tab, Last Index Time from the Files tab of the Domino® Administrator.)

The Domino Administrator lets you create single indexes for more than one database at a time. Users can create full-text indexes for local databases.

Database indexes and replication

Because full-text indexes don't replicate, you must create a full-text index for each database replica. When you create the replica, you have the option to create a full-text index on the replica. The index options on the replica are the same as the index options for the full-text index of the original database.

Database indexes and the Domain Index

You can also include the full text of databases in the Domain Index, a centralized full-text index of multiple databases on subjects of widespread interest across a Notes® domain that allows users to search on a word or phrase when they don't know which database contains the information. To search in the Domain Index, users click the arrow in the Search box in Notes, and choose More Searches -> Domain Search.

The Domain indexing process is completely separate from that for individual databases, and including a database in the Domain Index does not preclude the need to create a separate index for a popular database.

Related concepts
Security and full-text indexes for single databases

Related tasks
Creating and updating full-text indexes for single databases
Changing update frequency of a full-text index
Manually updating full-text indexes for single databases
Deleting full-text indexes for single databases
Adding a database to the Domain Index
Planning the Domain Index

Related reference
Restricted field names in full-text indexing