Sending Controller and shell commands from a remote console
A server can run under a Java-based Controller; this starts the server when you start the Controller.

About this task

You can use remote consoles in the Domino® Administrator or Web Administrator to send commands to a server that runs under a Controller. You can send Controller commands and shell (operating system) commands, as well as Domino server commands. There is also a Java-based remote console available called the Domino Console that you can use to connect to a Controller.

To send a shell command to a Controller from a remote console, use the prefix $, for example:

$Dir c:\tmp

To send a Controller command, use the prefix #, for example:

#Start Domino

If you are sending several shell or Controller commands, you can change to Shell or Controller command mode in a remote console by entering the appropriate prefix in the Command box and pressing enter. Then you do not have to specify the prefix each time you send a command. To exit the specified command mode, enter the prefix again.

For example, to enter the Controller command mode, enter # in the Command box. When you are done sending Controller commands, enter # again to exit Controller command mode.

Table 1. Available Controller commands
Controller commandDescription
Broadcast message Broadcasts a specified message to all administrators connected to the Controller
Disable username(s) Disables a specified administrator's connection to the Controller. Connection remains disabled until you use the Enable User command or until you quit and restart the Controller. To disable more than one administrator's connection, specify multiple names, separated by commas, for example:

#Disable user1,user2

Enable username(s) Enables an administrator's connection that you previously disabled using the Disable User command. To enable more than one administrator's connection, specify multiple names, separated by commas, for example:

#Enable user1,user2

Kill DominoStops the processes on a server that is not responding
Quit Stops the Domino server and the Server Controller
Refresh AdminsRefreshes the Controller's information about administrators from the Domino Directory
Restart DominoStops the processes on a server that is not responding and then restarts the server
Set ControllerLogExpiration=days Specifies the number of days worth of log files to keep on the server. Default is 7 days. Change takes effect at midnight or when you restart the Server Controller.
Set ControllerLogFileName=path filename Specifies the name and path of log files created on a server. By default, log files are stored in the server's data directory with filenames that begin with the text dcntrlr, followed by the creation date, a sequence number and the file extension .log or .meta. You can specify a different path, and can specify text to replace the dcntrlr portion of the log file names.

Change takes effect at midnight or when you restart the Server Controller.

Set ControllerLogType=value Specifies which type(s) of log file(s) to create on a server or prevents the creation of log files.
  • 0 -- Do not create log files
  • 1 -- Create .log files that log only data normally seen at a console
  • 2 -- Create .meta files that log data normally seen at a console as well as additional details, such as color, font, and event filter settings
  • 3 -- Create both .log files and .meta files simultaneously

Setting takes effect immediately.
Show UsersShows the administrators currently connected to the Controller
Show ProcessesShows the tasks running on the Domino server
Start DominoStarts the Domino server

Related concepts
Using a console to send commands to a server

Related tasks
Sending commands from the Domino Administrator console
Sending commands from a Web Administrator console

Related reference
Domino server commands