Hosting Web sites
You can use Web Site documents to host Web sites on DominoŽ. The Web Site document is one type of Internet Site. Web Site documents contain Web site configuration information and are managed through the Servers\Internet Sites view along with other types of Internet site documents.

Before you begin

To enable the Internet Sites view, in the Basics section of the Server document, when converting from Web Server Configuration, click Loads Internet configurations from Server\Internet Sites documents.

About this task

Web sites are not explicitly associated with physical servers. A single Domino domain can support many Web sites. Each Web site can be associated with any number of host names or addresses. All servers in the same Domino domain can use the same Web Site documents in the Internet Sites view. You can specify which Domino servers support a Web site. Each Web site has its own security, file-protection, and URL rules, and you can modify them as needed.

Note: For backward compatibility, the Domino HTTP task still supports the R5 Servers\Web Configurations view.

By default, Web Site documents are not associated with specific Domino servers. All servers that share the same Domino Directory -- that is, reside in the same Domino domain -- automatically use the same Web Site documents in the Internet Sites view. This means that you do not have to re-create the same Web configuration each time you add a new server to the domain. When you add or modify a Web Site document, the changes are picked up automatically by all servers in the domain.

An optional field in the Web Site document allows you to specify the Domino servers that will host a site. Servers that are not listed in this field will not load the site configuration.


1. Enable the Internet Sites view on your server.

2. Create an Internet Site document.

3. Optional: Create a Web Site Rule document and specify rules (directory, substitution, redirection) for the Web site.

4. Optional: Set up file protection.

5. Optional: Create an authentication realm document for the Web site.

Related concepts
Domino Web Engine settings for Web Site documents
Understanding Internet site documents on Domino servers

Related tasks
Enabling Internet sites on a server
Creating an Internet site document
Configuring HTML, CGI, icon, and Java files for Web Site documents
Configuring DSAPI, HTTP methods, and WebDAV in Web Site documents
Creating a Web Site Rule document
Protecting files on a server from Web client access
Creating a Web Site authentication realm document