Uninstalling Notes from a Linux client
Use this procedure to uninstall Notes® from a Linux™ client.

Before you begin

Exit Notes before uninstalling the product. Log in as a root user.

About this task

Uninstall may take several minutes to complete. Afterwards, each user's data directory and workspace remains intact to preserve data. You can uninstall the rpm or deb package by using either a command line or using GUI method.

Use the uninstall utility provided with your installed Notes version.

Depending on whether you installed Notes using an rpm or deb package, complete either Step 1 or Step 2.


1. If you installed Notes using an rpm kit, use the following steps to uninstall Notes. If you installed Notes by using a deb package, complete Step 2 instead.

2. If you installed Notes using a deb kit (Ubuntu platform), use the following procedure to uninstall Notes. Related concepts
Uninstalling Notes
Considerations for installing and upgrading Notes on Linux
Notes installation directories for Linux

Related tasks
Uninstalling Notes silently
Cleaning a previous or partial Notes installation from your client
Installing and upgrading Notes on Linux