Viewing events in the Domino Domain Monitor database
Use the Domino® Domain Monitor database (DDM.NSF) to view events sorted by severity, type, server, date or assignment. You can also view open events, recent events or all events simply by clicking a tab in these views.

Use the My Events view to view only those events that are assigned to you. When you open the Domino Domain Monitor database, data is presented at a high level, but you can choose to view detailed information about a particular event or set of events. You can also toggle between viewing unread events or all events. If you notice that a particular event is generated frequently, you can view a detailed history of that event to assist you in determining a cause and solution for the event.

Note: Recent events consist of all Open events and all Closed events that had a status of Open during the previous 7 days.

Event messages often, include two statements -- a problem statement followed by a reason statement. For example:

Unable to replicate with server server name: Server not responding.

The problem statement is the first statement and the reason statement is the second statement. (In this example, the two statements are separated by a colon, but messages comprised of one statement can also have colons.) Each statement has its own type and severity. The message Unable to replicate with server server name has the message type and the severity of Replication/Failure, and Server not responding has the message type and severity of Resource/Failure. Messages that are comprised of two statements generate two events. There is no definitive way to determine whether a message is comprised of one statement or of two, but when a message statement follows the pattern of problem statement followed by a reason statement, two events are usually generated. The first time that an event is logged to the Domino Domain Monitor database, one of these states is automatically assigned to the event:

Every time that a probe runs, event documents are updated. If the severity of an event changes, the event's state automatically changes accordingly. The event state is determined by the event severity. Events with a severity of normal are closed; events with a severity of non-normal are open. An event's state can automatically change many times between Open and Closed. Permanently Closed events are never automatically opened or pended. When you assign an event state of Permanently Closed to an event, that state is maintained as a fixed state unless you manually change the state back to Open or Closed. Permanently Closed is a stable category for resolved problems, obsolete problems, or problems that you simply want to ignore.

After you review or assign an event, you can manually assign it a state of Open, Closed, or Permanently Closed.

Note: To change an event's state, you must have a minimum of Author access with the role Change State in the ACL for DDM.NSF. The Change State button does not display if you do not have the required access.

The Document Change History section of the Event documents records details about assignment and state changes so that you can determine what has changed, when the change occurred, and who initiated the change.

Note: To assign or reassign an event to an administrator, you must have a minimum of Author access with the role Assign Events in the ACL for DDM.NSF. If you lack the required access, the Assign Events and Reassign Events buttons do not display.

You can look at the Event Change History section of the Event documents to see previous event change activity.

Table 1. Items in the DDM application navigation
Open Events tabThe Open events view displays all events that are in an open state. Open events have a non-normal severity and have not been closed by an administrator.
Recent Events tabThe Recent events view displays all open events and all closed events that had a status of open during the previous week.
All Events tabThe All Events view displays all events that are stored in DDM.NSF regardless of the event state.
My Events tabThe My Events view displays events that are assigned to you, the administrator logged in to the Administration client. Events that are assigned to other administrators do not display in this view.
Add Comments buttonYou must have Author access in the database ACL to enter comments about events you own. You must have at least Editor access in the database ACL to enter comments about events owned by another administrator.

Use the Comments field to add information pertaining to the action that you are performing, or to add other pertinent information regarding the event. Comments are added to the Document Change History section of the Event document.

You can select multiple events to add comments to, but you are only be able to add comments to those events for which you have the correct access rights. If you have Editor access to the database, you can add comments to events owned by you as well as those owned by other administrators. If you have Author access, you are only be able to add comments to your own events.

Related concepts
Domino Domain Monitor database
Maintaining the Domino Domain Monitor database

Related tasks
Resolving an event
Assigning events in the DDM database to an administrator