Resolving an event
When you open an Event document in the Domino® Domain Monitor database, you can review the event's Probable Cause and Possible Solution statements. Many Event documents also contain a Corrective Action statement that can contain a link directly to the document or database that is named in the Corrective Action statement.

About this task

Use the Common Actions button at the beginning of the Event form to access a list of the most commonly performed actions for resolving events, and then choosing to perform one of the listed actions. The Common Actions feature provides a core set of common actions to supplement the event-specific corrective actions that display in the Event report. The common actions that are available for selection in the Event report are based on the context of the event and the information available in the Event report.

Note: Probes decide when their DDM events should be cleared, and they usually clear their events individually.

Note: Use the Domino Domain Monitor to view, resolve and close current problems. You also have the option of viewing recent events. Use the Recent Events tab to view detailed information including fields that indicate the event's worst status in the past 24 hours, week, and month. These views are updated daily as needed.

Table 1. Common Actions - most frequently used
Common ActionDescription
Open Server documentOpens the Server document for either the reporting server or the target server according to which server you choose. If the target server and reporting server are the same server, that Server document opens.
Open Domino server logOpens the log file on the Domino server that you choose. If the target server and reporting server are the same server, the server log file for that server opens.
View NOTES.INIOpens the file NOTES.INI for either the reporting server or the target server, according to which server you choose. If the target server and the reporting server are the same server, the NOTES.INI file opens for that server.
Open Remote Server ConsoleOpens the Remote Server Console dialog box from which you can run a server console command, view server output from a live console, and pause output.
Open DDM.NSF on server nameOpens the Domino Domain Monitoring database on the server for which the event was generated.
Open replication settings for DDM.NSFOpens the Replication Settings dialog box for the indicated database. Use the dialog box to modify replication settings as necessary. For more information, see the topics on replication settings in the IBM® Notes® 9.0.1 Social Edition Help.
Send email to <>This Common Action displays only if a target user name has been provided in the Event. Opens a new email message (New Memo) and populates the Subject field with an appropriate subject related to the event, and populates the To field with the target user's email address. The body of the email message contains a document link to the Event document. You enter information in all other fields on the New Message form.
Send email to Managers of ddm.nsfOpens a new email message (New Memo) and populates the Send To field with all users listed as database managers, adds an appropriate subject, and leaves the body of the email message blank to allow the administrator to add message content.

Complete these steps to resolve an event:


1. From the Domino Administrator, click Files.

2. Open the Domino Domain Monitor database (DDM.NSF).

3. Choose the view that you want to open.

4. Open the Event document for the event that you want to resolve.

5. Review the event information, including the Probable Cause and Possible Solution statements, and then complete one of these actions:

Related concepts
Viewing events in the Domino Domain Monitor database
Maintaining the Domino Domain Monitor database

Related tasks
Assigning events in the DDM database to an administrator