Automating a customized or default Notes deployment using silent install
You can use a silent install to deploy a default or customized Notes® release to users without user intervention. This enables centralized Notes install or upgrade deployment to many users without requiring user intervention.

To automate Notes installation and upgrade using a silent install or upgrade deployment, you can use any of the following customization tools separately or in conjunction with one another:

For related information about automating a Notes upgrade from one release to another using the Notes SmartUpgrade and/or SURUNAS procedures see Using Notes Smart Upgrade and Using the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard.

Related concepts
Customizing Notes installation
Using Notes Smart Upgrade
Using the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard
Considerations when planning a Notes silent install or upgrade
Running a Notes silent install or upgrade using optional arguments
Using the install manifest "default" setting for silent feature specification
Customizing Notes install using the tuner
Example: Using setup.exe to call a transform file during Notes silent install

Related tasks
Customizing Notes install for features and plug-ins on Windows and Mac
Adding and removing components from the Notes install kit using UpdateSiteMgr
Performing a Notes silent install or upgrade on Windows
Performing a Notes silent install on Mac OS X
Obtaining a tuner and creating a transform file to customize Notes installation
Example: Using msiexec command line utilities for installing Notes